On 25th May 2021, the Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies (CHS) in collaboration with the Qatari Regulatory Authority for Charitable Activities (RACA) will host a closed 3-hour webinar conference on the 'Research-Practice Nexus in the Qatari Humanitarian Ecosystem'.

RACA was established with a mandate to supervise and regulate the charity sector in Qatar in an effort to prevent corruption and to restructure the humanitarian ecosystem in the State. CHS is an independent research center that generates scholarship and engages in policy and practice on conflict mediation, humanitarian action, and post-conflict recovery in the Arab world and beyond.

A keynote address will be delivered by Mr. Ibrahim Al Dehaimi, General Manager, RACA. Special contribution will be made by Dr. Arne Strand, Director of the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, CMI, Dr. Sorcha O'Callaghan, Director of Programme, Humanitarian Policy Group, ODI, and Dr. Antonio De Lauri, Director, Norwegian Centre for Humanitarian Studies. Dr. Hatem Mheni, Senior Program Manager, Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF), will be leading the funding segment of the conference. Humanitarian practitioners from Qatar Charity, Qatar Red Crescent Society and Education Above All will also join to share their experiences with regards to the nexus and its development in Qatar.