29 Aug 2024
The role of volunteering in crisis management: A beacon of solidarity and resilience
In 1862, Swiss businessman Henri Dunant authored 'A Memory of Solferino', inspired by his experiences at the Battle of Solferino in 1859. In this influential work, Dunant described the compassionate actions of the women of Castiglione, who cared for all the wounded regardless of their nationality, embodying a spirit of universal camaraderie and expressing this sentiment with the phrase 'Tutti Fratelli' (all brothers). Dunant's reflections led him to propose the creation of relief societies in peacetime to care for the wounded during wars by zealous and devoted volunteers. This concept laid the foundation for establishing the Red Cross Red Crescent (RCRC) National Societies and the Movement in 1864. This historical event, the birth of the Red Cross Red Crescent International Movement, is a testament to the power of solidarity, human compassion and the potential of voluntary service...