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Strategy Building Workshops Series for the Charitable and Humanitarian Sector in Qatar

This strategy is the first of its kind in the country's humanitarian field. The Center has contributed to creating a platform that convenes active members in the national humanitarian field through the provision of human resources and regional experts....


Track II Dialogue Series: Can Peace Talks Continue Amid Uptick in Violence?

In partnership with the Heart of Asia and the Center on International Cooperation, CHS is organizing a series of track II discussions in order to help facilitate dialogue and provide understanding of the strategies and positions of


Training Course: Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus (HDPNx) for Health

In order to close the knowledge gap on the nexus and its application and build the capacity of health sector actors on the implementation of the nexus for health, the Health Systems in Emergencies Lab at the Department of...


Book Series: Studies on Humanitarian Work

In line with the CHS mission to stimulate Arabic language knowledge production and generate specialized academic literature on conflict management and humanitarian work, it has pioneered a publishing project for a series titled Studies on Humanitarian Work...