From the 10th of February until the 12th of February 2022, the Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies (CHS) and the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) hosted a joint colloquium in Istanbul, Turkey on the topic of statecraft and the development of post-conflict transitional governance arrangements, particularly in Muslim-majority countries. The conference sought to identify and examine certain procedural and substantive principles deployed by the Prophet Mohammed that could aid other peacemakers in transforming and resolving conflict through an Islamic-oriented mode of peacemaking.
A central pillar of the CHS is to contribute towards the enablement of a sustainable recovery in conflict-affected societies. Additionally, CHS' guiding principles of contextualization, participation, and collaboration lead its efforts to provide context-specific and culturally-sensitive frameworks for durable peace. To this end, the conference is an extension of CHS' goals in promoting sustainable peace by gathering the minds of venerated Ulema, activists, political leaders, and academics to formulate lasting comprehensive governance arrangements that fit the Islamic mold for peace and conflict resolution.