The World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean and the Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies co-organized the First Regional Training Course on the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus for Health from 14 to 16 December 2021. The three-day online course aimed to give participants an overview of the HDPNx approach, as well as strategic and operational direction on how to apply the nexus. It included information on the roles and responsibilities of the many players and stakeholders in the healthcare industry. The training was designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills they'll need to put the health nexus into action.

The course was divided into six sessions. To introduce the HDPNx, each session summarized the main key concepts. It also explored the establishment of Nexus coordination mechanisms, the Nexus' joint assessment and formulating collective Nexus outcomes, and the HDPNx's harmonizing resources and financing, with an emphasis on Afghanistan, Yemen, Lebanon, Sudan, Iraq, Syria, and Palestine. Moreover, the three-day workshop focused on critical components of conflict analysis, peacemaking, and peacebuilding.


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