On Tuesday 13 September 2022, Dr Ghassan Elkahlout, Director of Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies, and Mr. Alain Deletroz, General Director of Geneva Call, signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the purpose of convening open and closed workshops for policy and academic purposes. The agreement was signed to create a common understanding in support of collaboration in organizing fieldwork activities, and engaging in joint research on humanitarian diplomacy, civilian protection in conflict-affected contexts, protecting education from attack, and related topics.
The agreement came at a time when the Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies and Geneva Call are both working on humanitarian action and diplomacy in a range of contemporary conflict situations in the Arab region and beyond including Yemen, Sudan, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, and Ukraine.
Geneva Call is a neutral, impartial and independent international humanitarian organization, which ultimate aim is to strengthen the respect of humanitarian norms and principles by armed groups and de facto authorities (AGDA), in order to improve the protection of civilians in situations of armed conflict. Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies is a research center committed to high quality research and analysis on contemporary conflict response – it is part of the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies.