The Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies (CHS) is organizing a discussion session on “Post-Conflict Reconstruction in the Arab Region: Challenges, Prospects and Politics,” during the 27th Annual International Conference on Economics and Security (ICES2024). The session will be held on 30th June 2024, at 5:30 PM (Doha Time), at Doha Institute for Graduate Studies - Cultural Foundation - Auditorium 2.

The purpose of this panel is to convene experts who will engage in a critical examination of the challenges, prospects, politics, and scenarios associated with post-conflict reconstruction and recovery, with a specific emphasis on the Arab region. The panel aims to facilitate in-depth analysis and deliberation on the process of post-conflict reconstruction in contexts including Palestine, Syria, and Libya. 


Dr. Ammar Azzouz – British Academy Research Fellow, University of Oxford, UK.

Dr. Sansom Milton – Senior Research Fellow, Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies, Qatar.

Prof. Ihab Saloul – Professor of Memory Studies, University of Amsterdam (UvA), the Netherlands. 

Dr. Nur Alah Abdelzayed Valdeolmillos – Architect, Qatar University and Politecnico di Milano, Italy. 

Moderated by: 

Dr. Nour Allah Munawar – Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar.