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Wadee Al-Arabeed

Assistant Researcher

Wadee Al-Arabeed
CHS Staff


Alarabeed is an Assistant Researcher at the Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies (CHS). He was a Project Coordinator & Legal Editor at the Law for Palestine Organization based in Manchester. He is a lawyer and legal researcher interested in conflict management, mediation, post-war reconstruction, politics, and international law. He won first place in the Criminal Court competition in 2015. 

Alarabeed holds an MA in Conflict Management and Humanitarian Action at the Doha Institute. He is a Bertha Justice Alumna and holder of Bertha Justice Fellowship from the London-based Bertha Foundation, where he received the fellowship from the organization in partnership with the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) from October 2015 to October 2017. 

He wrote several research papers and participated in many local and international conferences. He worked as a lawyer for two years at the Palestinian Center for Human rights (PCHR), whose mission was dedicated to the protection of human rights, the promotion of the rule of law, and the upholding of democratic principles in the Occupied Territories. He wrote many research papers after his graduation from law school, including "the Preliminary Examination stage and the Required Evidentiary threshold to Initiate an Investigation within the Rome Statute of the ICC", and other studies related to the Gaza Strip, Palestine and Arab conflicts.

Alarabeed concluded his master's thesis in Qatar entitled "Youth Participation in post-war Reconstruction efforts in Gaza: From Exclusion to Inclusion".